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We are currently building free websites for struggling Australians affected by the current health situation.

With an expected 1 Million to be unemployed in the coming months we have decided to give back by helping affected Australians get their businesses online. We've dedicated a team to support this cause we believe in.

Why are we doing this?

We’re all facing some challenging times right now.

But I don’t have it as bad as others… so I want to give back.

Facebook is a depressing place for me to visit right now. I have thousands of friends on facebook who are full time musicians (or were full time musicians).

Right now, their gigs are being cancelled, they have no income or way to support their families. I’ve got friends now who are selling their instruments online - and if you are a musician you would understand often your instrument is like a family member. It is heartbreaking.

Musicians are not the only ones who this is happening to. The worst-affected industries have been tourism, hospitality and airlines - and it doesn’t stop there.

The total number of unemployed Australians could rise above one million in the coming weeks and months. (source)

I am one of the lucky ones whose income will not be greatly affected… at least not yet.

So I started looking at how I can help.

Many businesses have little or no cash to spare at this time, but getting online could save their business or at least extend their runway.

For example, I spoke to a restaurant owner who mentioned “If I can just take orders online then maybe I’ll be ok.”. Minutes later I spoke to a market stall tarot reader who queried "Do you think I can take bookings online and do tarot readings over skype?”.

It occurred to me that we can help businesses with a new website and an online presence that might help them weather the storm.

With everyone confined to their homes and the hours spent browsing online is set to skyrocket… this is an opportunity for them to launch something they are passionate about, or to give their business a digital presence.

So, we have dedicated a small team who are now solely creating websites, for free, to Australians who have been affected. This is how we want to give back.

What will it cost you?

The website build will cost you $0.

We will create up to a 5 page site for you based on a template. Many agencies would charge upwards of $1000 for something like this. We are doing this for free BUT we have had to place limits around what we can do for you. This is so we can help as many businesses as possible. We would rather spread our positive impact across as many businesses as possible. Short story: if you are unhappy with aspects of what we do for you then you can change it but it will be at a cost.

The hosting will cost you $29/month.

We can only build websites on We are choosing to do it this way because we are familiar with that environment and we can work 10x quicker with a stacked site than a website hosted anywhere else. Stacked Site is a managed WordPress environment that will take care of your updates, upgrades, backups and security.


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    Learn what your business needs

    We will gather as much information about your business as we can. We start with a questionnaire, but for more complicated business models we can jump on zoom.

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    Build your new website

    Using the information collected we'll tweak an existing template to automatically give your business a strong presence.

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    Train and support you

    The completed website will then be ready for you to enter your own website copy. We'll train you how to do it and make sure you feel comfortable.

What should I expect?

We have assembled a dedicated team with the aim to help as many businesses as possible. We are trying to limit the time we spend helping each business so that we can have the biggest most positive impact. For this reason you should not expect us to build you a ferrari.

Here's what is included:

You choose a template.
We'll add your logo and tagline
We'll create up to 5 pages with a basic layout
We'll setup your contact form
We'll setup your custom domain

If you have extra things you would like (such as blogs, online store, membership areas) then we can put you in contact with a developer who can help you. At this stage, this team is only focusing on helping as many people as possible.


Here are examples of templates you can use.

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