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Free Ebook Warning: This book outlines how to get constant new leads.

If you are not looking for new leads then don't download this book.

If you are... this book outlines a system that is perfect for B2B companies looking to develop a lead "tap" they can turn on and off to get new work.


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Here's an excerpt from the ebook.

I’m going to show you step by step how I set up lead funnels for new websites. This is a fairly usual result showing 190 new leads from a little over 3000 visitors.

It worked out to cost about $2 per lead.

Now if a marketing company got you $2 per click it would be considered a win… but we are talking $2 per lead!! Qualified and targeted leads.

CleanShot 2020-03-06 at 14.56.07

Here’s another screenshot of new leads coming through my website dashboard. I should add that each one of these leads completed long forms with lots of information about their businesses too.


I’m going to show you step by step how I got 190 new leads in just 2 weeks.

It worked out to cost about $2 per lead.

Now if a marketing company got you $2 per click it would be considered a win… but we are talking $2 per lead!! Qualified and targeted leads.

Here’s another screenshot of new leads coming through my website dashboard. I should add that each one of these leads completed long forms with lots of information about their businesses too.

In this screenshot you’ll see about 14 businesses per day reaching out for help - and I’ve promised I’ll share with you how I did it step by step!

Now, I’m not trying to show off… I’m just wanting to prove to you that I’m one of the very few website strategists that can turn your website into a lead funnel.

The strategy I’m about to show you will work great if:

  • Your business has a well-defined market or niche
  • You have a strong idea of your dream avatar/client
  • You are selling B2B
  • If your flagship product or service is expensive ($1000+)

If you are looking for a way to build a website that actually generates leads then this is a great strategy to use. It is a leads ‘tap’ that you can turn on or off to get more leads 

So let’s dig in!

Step 1.  Shift your focus towards the larger market

I will tell you step by step how I got all those leads, but first, you need to know where I found them.

If you are looking for high-value clients, then the worst thing you can do is put out an ad where you go for the jugular. I see lots of businesses advertising too aggressively straight off the bat.

Their ad copy all reads the same -  Buy now. Act now. Get it now.

They might be offering a great service, but I don’t trust them yet! There are lots of cowboys out there - who's to say they are not one of them.

Download the eBook to learn how to create this lead funnel step by step.

Some of the great points include:


Shift your focus towards the larger market


Create and give away your valuable content


Build a landing page that is totally irresistible


Forget the thank you page… go to the upsell page


Reward people who share your offer


Free for a limited time Follow this outlined system and you'll have more leads than ever!

If you are not looking for more leads, work and money then please don't download this book.

You've been warned.


Click this button and you'll be taken to a page to download the eBook.

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